Easy Does It: Interior White's Favourite Relaxation Rituals.
Cue self-care and serenity...
When you hear the word relaxation, what does your mind conjure? Is it bubble baths, sauntering along a sunny beachline or snoozing soundly as the fire crackles? Whatever you're thinking, we bet you don't do enough of it.
In the spirit of a new(ish) year, and because me-time matters) we're setting intentions to practice peace—wherever we find ourselves. We recommend you dim the lights, put the kettle on and grab your fluffiest socks...
Lighting a candle is a beautiful way to awaken your senses and instigate calm. Try choosing scents that soothe like neroli, rosemary or lavender and then bask in the ritual itself: the sparking of the match, the wax as it warms.
A wise fellow named Shakespeare once said 'Sleep knits up the ravelled sleeve of care' and if that's not enough to encourage one to get in those extra hours, we don't know what is.
Whether you're early-to-bed or late-to-rise, the key to a good night's sleep is softness. Cloud-like duvets, velvet throws and fluffy scatter cushions will all help you drift into an enchanting slumber and restore your mind and body for the day ahead.
For centuries tea has been honoured for its health benefits. And if you ask us, making it is just as soul-nourishing. As the boiling water steeps over fresh leaves, take a moment. Try sipping from your favourite mug, too, so the ceremony feels even more treasured.
Fitness has come a long way since leg warmers. When your body feels in need of moving, start simple—yoga or meditation helps keep the mind present. And there's even no need for a mat! Just a quiet corner somewhere where you can breathe in and zen out.